Author Archives: Technology Consulting Team

How the Trans-Pacific Partnership is Going to Effect Your Business

After years of negotiation, a trade agreement was reached on October 5th that will affect multiple industries and have a potentially large economic impact. The impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on local Ottawa small and medium sized businesses while seemingly full of opportunity, has many others fearing it as a threat to global internet users. So why is it that a poll conducted by Innovation Research, shows that 70% of Canadians are not very familiar, or not familiar at all with what the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is? Read more +

Apple’s Operating Systems Are Changing Our Expectations

Operating Systems

Every September Apple shows off its latest and greatest in terms of updates and upgrades at their Apple Event. Don’t anticipate being one of the many in line eager to receive the new iPad Pro or the iPhone 6s/6s Plus? You can still upgrade your current device running iOS 8 or OS-Yosemite operating systems to experience the new improvements. The team at Compulite goes beyond providing IT Support and presents you with the most recent buzz on what consumers can expect from the latest in Apple’s operating systems. Read more +

Round up of new features in Office 2016

Later this year, Windows users will be able to see first-hand how Microsoft has kept its traditional Office experience intact, while moving towards a mobile, cloud centric world. Mac users with an Office 365 subscription have already had the chance to review what’s new or improved within the suite. For those who have yet to examine the new components, Compulite’s consulting services practice has broken down all the new or improved features users can anticipate.

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Windows 10: Is it worth the hype?

The soft launch for Windows 10 has now officially been introduced to market. In a previous post, we highlighted the anticipated elements to be released. It’s clear that many of the features have been predominantly geared towards the consumer market, and there are still several key updates required to make it viable to  businesses. Read more +

What Windows Server will look like in 2016

At the center of the Microsoft Cloud Platform, is Windows Server 2016. This latest version of Microsoft’s server operating system includes a vast range of improvements in security, virtualization, networking and storage.  As of the date of this writing, Server 2016 is still in Technical Preview stage (May 2015 edition). Read more +

It’s Almost Time: Upgrading to Windows 10

Starting July 29, 2015, Microsoft is offering a FREE upgrade to Windows 10 editions for current users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.  Should you be interested in making the switch, our team has compiled all the information you need to know about upgrading to Windows 10 in one place! Read more +

3 Major Players in Home Automation that Everyone Should Be Watching

The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on the idea that objects have the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring a human-to human or human–to–computer interaction. The insights enabled by this data collection from connected devices are what the Internet of Things is all about. Read more +

The Changing Landscape of Security Threats – Part 2

Using the right mix of technology and expertise, SMBs and professional services organizations must include cyber security in their corporate agenda. Whether it is your corporate website or internal servers, the increased level of security threats identified by the researchers and confirmed every day by IT vendors in the field, are that regardless of size, every organization is vulnerable and far too many are unprepared for a cyber-attack.  Read more +